Support us on Patreon!  New for 2024, Patreon tiered membership allows you to support Career Creatives directly. Memberships include exclusive updates, Members-only Discord community, mentorship, and discounted ticket prices. Visit to become a member!


Foundations for a Successful Art Business

"Art wont pay the bills..." Sound familiar? There are hundreds of toxic statements about following the creative path.  We are here to dispel such beliefs and provide you with straightforward, doable measures to assist you in creating a roadmap for your future in the creative industry. With understandable goal setting, practical industry knowledge, and straightforward business strategies, Career Creatives' purpose is to teach and support creative people in transforming their passion into a profitable business model. Although Career Creatives is not a registered not-for-profit, our mission is to strengthen the Sacramento Arts Community and offer free or inexpensive access to business information. We accomplish this with free templates that can be downloaded, a resource website with links to grants and educational materials, a monthly blog, and live events where we can interact directly with creative individuals and businesses.


Our monthly events are currently paused while I focus on organizing and registering Career Creatives as a nonprofit. Career Creatives (CC) was born on May 13, 2023, as a panel discussion. At the time any additional events were a pipe dream. The response to the blog posts, the resource site, and live events fills my heart and fuels my drive to ensure Career Creatives delivers on its potential. Career Creatives clearly fulfills a need in the creative community. Currently, I need fiscal sponsorship for nonprofit status, and I am hunting volunteer board members and partners interested in event coordination. It’s a lot of work to organize as a one-woman show, and CC wouldn’t be where it is without the gracious and generous volunteers that have stepped up thus far.

Events may be on hold, but we are not inactive! Beginning January 2024, the Career Creatives Patreon is live to assist the annual maintenance costs ($150 needed), podcast equipment ($300 goal), and to fund ongoing future events – including speaker stipend and venue fees. The website, social media, and monthly blog are still active to support the creative community! To support via membership please visit and repost with @careercreatives to spread the word.


If you or someone you know would like to get involved, please email for partnership, sponsorship, and volunteer opportunities.


Want to keep in touch?  

Send your questions, suggestions, or just share what you think!

Keep the info current by helping! Community plays a big role in successful business.  To support all creatives, we crowdsourced a lot of the material presented here.

Each of us strengthens all of us.